As a Montessori Preschool in St Louis, our Program is based on the Montessori Method and children can communicate fluently in Spanish after spending 3 years with us.
As an Immersion Spanish Preschool we work to effectively develop Spanish as a second Language. Our preschool ratio is 1 teacher for every 5 children, giving each child personal and individual attention throughout every activity. All teachers are native speakers from different Spanish speaking countries around the world.
Our curriculum is based off the Montessori Method. This method is made up of opportunities for practical life skill development, sensorial awareness, Spanish language learning, math concept perfection, and cultural consciousness.

Practical life
In this area children are able to use tools and activities that are in our everyday life. From taking care of the environment using our garden to learning to take care of themselves like clean-up after every meal of activity. Other exercises like pouring water, organizing dirty dishes, or manually sewing are also opportunities to develop concentration and practical everyday skills.
Montessori Materials are created to give children the opportunity to explore color, size, sound, texture, dimension of the world in a way that is accessible and natural to them.
Cultural subjects
Children are exposed to the richness of the language spoken in the classroom. We introduce reading and writing in a phonetic way and since we do it in Spanish, the child naturally does the transition to his/ her dominant Language.
The natural mathematical mind has an opportunity to work with different materials in a concrete way. The variety of materials present to the child an opportunity to manipulate and make connections with each element.
The child’s natural curiosity about their surrounding encourages them to explore our world. Though materials and exercises that include botany zoology, geography, and art, each child is able to do so. Different art materials are also available for children to explore their individual creativity and self-expression, or be lead through guided art projects.